Dec 2nd, 2019 We are so lucky to have two full days with Costas to photograph four of our most recently finished projects. Here he is lining up to shoot an office that we completed 4,500sf, this being a partner’s corner suite. It is interesting which angles work and ones that don’t. I follow along styling and moving pieces to accommodate. Truly two full days and some fun dinners at night…lunch is definitely on the go. Note here we have the LED ceiling light one where the remainder of the lights are off. This gives the truest colour and accents…
Nov 4th, 2019 I attended Singularity University the executive course in Canada. Sixty people were chosen to explore large thinking ideas in the areas of healthcare, IT, climate change, robotics, AI, leadership, ethics and typology of your thought process identifying your DNA of your business. I met fantastic interesting people exploring the world at a larger scale. Exponential growth and thinking outside the box. My take away is the world is in a fine balance where we are 8 billion people with 1 billion cars and the planet is stressed; we have 11 years to save this planet and reverse…
Oct 1st, 2019 KADE, Keep Alive Design Ethical is my new collaboration with Kevin Allwood for an eleven piece fashion capsule. These pieces are: The 5 S’s SEXY STYLE SUBTLE STRUCTURAL SOPHISTICATED Made in Canada and celebrating design for the Superhero Woman. Inverted pants, Pocket Detailed pants, Structure Mix top, Long Mixed-Use top, Crest dress, Long Pocket Regal dress, Silhouette dress, Rain/snow play coat, Classic blazer, Mechanical Pencil skirt and Superwoman Jumpsuit. You feel confident, comfortable and not on display. Age is a blend…keep them guessing and admiring.